Contact us
You are welcome to contact any of the members of the Board of Directors with your questions or input to support Uppsala University.

Johan Tysk, Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor on External Relations, Professor of Mathematics, Uppsala University

Lena Strålsjö, Senior Project Manager, Development Office, Uppsala University
Postal Address
American Friends of Uppsala University
c/o The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New York
900 3rd Avenue, 29th Floor
New York, NY 10022
United States
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce
American Friends of Uppsala University cooperates with The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New York; SACCNY, for all questions on finance and operations.
Olof Bruno, AFUU Financial Manager
Telephone: +1 212 838 2781
Development Office at Uppsala University
The Development Office at Uppsala University handles gifts and donations, sponsorship and alumni relations. At Uppsala University, you will find interesting and important purposes to support by your involvement and generosity. We would be happy to hear from you and discuss ways in which you can contribute!